Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Pit Bull Litter

Litter of Pit Bull Pups from True Dynasty Kennel

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A must see movie

I went out to see this movie and it was really great. I recommend everyone go to see it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Craig's Journey Video

Here is a video of my most recent Journeys


Josh & Jairus Hat Competition

My boys having fun with the new hats I just got them for winter

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Son Teddy is going to CHINA & Taiwan

Great News.

My son Teddy will be going to China in December to minister through Christian Rap. He's very excited and of course I'm a proud parent. It's always great to see your kids progress and accomplish great things in life. He has been working diligently in the studio while also doing his work in college. He's not to fond of flying in a plan for 24 hours, but for the sake of preaching the gospel through his music he's willing to pay the price. In these next few weeks he hopes to wrap of his album so he can have something to leave with the people in China. Way to go Teddy keep up the GREAT WORK your doing.

Here's a song "Don't Forget" from his mixtape.

Essay by my son

Here's a essay my son wrote that really touched my heart

What I Want To Do In The Future

In this essay I will write about what I am going to do in the future. Also I will write abot how I am going to achieve my goals.

In the future I want to do something with art. The reason why I want to do something with art is because I get a lot of complements for my art skill. In the future I want to be a foster parent. There are two reasons. The first reason is because I’m in foster care. The second reason is because I want to help kids that are going through the same issues I had to go through. .

In order for my goals to come true I have to stay in high school. Also I have to respect my parents. I have to stay out of trouble. The most important part is to go to college. Also to develop art skill by practicing.

I pray I will be successful in life. Also I pray that all my goals will come true.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Craig's House episode Shine Returns to College

Shine was home for a weekend visit and is on his way back to Nyack College where is majoring in Nursing. Shine shares what it's like to age out of care and still have a home plus an opportunity to continue is education. God has worked a miracle in Shine's life for this to occur because most children who age out of the NYC Foster Care System don't have a home and aren't going to college.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We see the light at the end it's SHINING

In my last post I sent out a plead for help for my son Shine who needed some help with staying in college. I'm very pleased to report the GOD is working a miracle and he has once again shown himself true to his name JEHOVAH JIREH. Although Shine's total dept has not been diminished it is certainly a major difference from yesterday. Shine now owes only $2,767.50 and we are seeing God work things out for him so he is able to stay in college. Honestly for me it was a bit of a scare and all I can do was lift up prayers and send out pleads for help. I must say thank you Jesus for coming through once again. Well people be encouraged when it seems there is no way out GOD always somehow provides a "ram in the thicket" like he did for Abraham. Sometimes GOD likes to test our faith to see how much we truly trust and believe in him. All things work for the GOOD to those who love him and are called according to his purpose.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Waiting for an answer

Well last couple of days have been a bit discouraging because I my son Shine just told me that the college he just got accepted into told him he may have to leave by Friday if he doesn't come up with 6 grand. Yeah that's right $6,000. I've been sending emails out to people I know but I haven't seen anything happen yet, so we are just waiting and praying to see what God will do. Please keep Shine in your prayers. Here's a letter for help written by Shine below.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 9, 2009 2:27:49 AM EDT
To: Keith Craig Allen
Subject: Re: shine college tuition


Today is Wednesday Sept. 9TH 2009, and I am 2 days away from my tuition payment deadline.As my last e-mail stated that I owe a balance of $2,767.50, it recently increased
to an estimated $6,000 due to the fact that my HESC-TAP(Tuition Assistance Program) did not clear yet as I so desperately hoped it would.I found this out at my meeting with my financial aid counselor yesterday as he was explaining to me that my balance has jumped due to my pending TAP.I have another meeting with my financial aid counselor today @ 2:00 pm to discuss the issue at hand.My foster Care agency ''SCO- family of services'',is trying to help by getting me into a program called the bulletin 17 which pays off my room and board for the school year.Unfortunately, due to the late timing, my deadline date,and my 21st birthday which happens to be at the last day of this month, it is not promising that I get into this program nor receive the money before my due date.So I am asking and praying that the Lord will provide a way.I am really interested and looking forward to attending my 1st yr of college at Nyack because I believe that it actual offers me 3 key elements.
First, let me start by saying that it has the proper environment to enhance my relationship with my Lord and savior.Nyack college is a well-known Christian college that not only focuses on students receiving degrees,but it also helps build the relationship between us and the living God.We as students get to experience a deeper walk with Christ because of the type of environment provided by Nyack College.I am anticipating a more matured relationship with Christ and I believe that Nyack can offer one of the many settings needed to achieve that.Second, i can also receive the proper education and begin to work on my future career due to the many fields of majors offered by the school.And finally, since it has the option of commuting or being on campus (I am on campus),students on campus get a more independent feel and are likely to mature into the adults that we are called to be.
Being here at Nyack College has been a great opportunity that i would love to experience .So i am praying and trusting that a way shall be provided for me if i just believe and have faith that its coming.

Once again, thanks for your time and prayers.

SHINE, Shykeen Delaney

From: Keith Craig Allen
To: Young Fresh
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 12:02:23 PM
Subject: Re: shine college tuition

Ok I sent out the message to some people from New Life who know Shine and a few others. So hopefully we will get some help. In the meantime pray together and get some of your fellow buddies in the dorm to pray with both as well.

On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:47 AM,

Shykeen Delaney a.k.a. Shine- Yes, I am finally all settled into the dorms at Nyack College, I have my classes ready and set for the semester. School officially starts Wednesday September 9Th,and I'm extremely Happy to be meeting my teachers and experiencing the assignments that rests in the future.Unfortunately, an obstacle has stumbled across my path.I am prepared in all areas of qualification for the school except being financially stable.tuition has been paid off from $ 27,000 ,leaving me with a $2.767.50 bill that i owe to the school before Friday. I was told that if i cant provide the money then i will be forced to leave the campus this upcoming Friday.The agency is trying to pay the balance but
since I turn 21 on September 30Th ,i will be viewed as an adult forcing me to age out of care.Please help me find a solution to this issue ,I would really love to start this year so any help will be highly appreciated.

thanks for your time.


I hope your doing fine.

You may or may not know but by a great miracle my son Shine a.k.a. Shykeen Delaney was excepted into Nyack College after years of growing up in foster care and battling with being in a gang he has now surrendered his life to Christ. He's really trying to make an effort to change his life and I'm really proud of him. Unfortunately he is facing a huge financial obstacle and that's why I'm writing to you in hopes that not only will you pray but that if you are able and willing with God's help to give a financial blessing. Shine explains his need below in the email and I pray that you will somehow be able to assist and also send it to friends you know who may be able to assist. Thank You!

If anyone is able to assist please contact us asap with any assistance you may be able to give. Please keep Shine in your prayers. Thank You!!!!!!

Anyone who wishes to speak to Shine can call Teddy's cell phone 347 744 0767 since they live in the same dorm building at Nyack College. You may also email him through Teddy's email at

Also anyone who wishes to receive updates on Shines progress as well as Teddy's may subscribe to my blog at
I currently have videos of Shine and Teddy there sharing their testimonies of how God is making a difference in their lives.

God Bless You!

Keith Craig Allen a.k.a. son of GOD
(718) 316-3175 - cell

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blue Nose Pups

My son JD2 with 2 Blue Nose Pit Bull puppies. JD2 loves dogs and he was really excited to handle the pups today. Anyone who wishes to purchase a puppy can contact me at 718 316 3175. True Dynasty Kennel.

Dogs are a great form of therapy for many people especially children in foster care. Studies show that dogs literally can help you to have a
healthy heart.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hot New song by My son Teddy a.k.a. Yung Fresh

My son Teddy a.k.a. Yung Fresh recorded a hot song called "Don't Forget" for his mixtape "the RISE OF THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD"

Friday, August 28, 2009

Craig's House Episode - Teddy & Shine Going to College

Teddy & Shine going to NYACK College. They are overcomers In spite of the many obstacles in their lives they have overcome the issues of growing up in the NYC Foster Care System. It's through God's grace and the support of a loving family at Craig's House that they are achieving their dreams.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My sons Teddy & Shine in College

There were so many road blocks that tried to prevent my boys from going to college, but GOD opened the door for them and we were persistent and are now seeing a tremendous breakthrough. Just look at their smiles you can see that they are so proud to know that they are on their way to being great men. So many people in society gave up on them. Judged them because of the way they look, talked, dressed or acted as children. Thank GOD I'm able to see in them the men GOD has called them to be. They are intelligent princes destined for greatness and crowned as royalty. I'm so delighted to know that GOD has given me the honor and privilege to be the father they need, so they can be a success in life. I have some more little boys right behind them so I'm hoping and praying that they will go to college too. I tell my little ones all the time that they are going to follow in our footsteps and go to college also.

Look out for the CRAIG's HOUSE episode of Teddy & Shine going to college. coming soon...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shine's Mind Changed


Here's a powerful testimony from my son Shine. Be blessed people.

More to come soon stay tuned in and subscribe to my channel to receive more videos.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

My son comes home from jail

In the work of caring for children in foster care I've come across some major disappointments like seeing my child go in and out of jail. Many people around me told me that I should give up on him because he keeps committing crimes and disrespecting my house rules. They told me "send him back to the agency and let them deal with him because you've down your best with him and he's just causing you too much stress you don't need that in your life right now". I have to admit that I really struggled with the decision about letting him back into my home especially after all he's done. Over the years I've been so frustrated with trying to steer him on the right path. At times he would do good like when he earned his GED and was working as a security guard for a season. Unfortunately there were too many times when he would get into trouble with the law and would disrespect me and break my house rules. Having younger kids in my home is another reason I struggled with having him around because I didn't want him to make the wrong impression on them.

While in jail my son SD had the opportunity to really think about his life as he sat in his jail cell. He shared with me some deep words he wrote in jail and I asked him to share it with the world, so I will post them soon for you to read. What I liked most about what he said was that he realized how important TIME is. He said being in jail helped him to really get his head together and realize how he wasn't spending his time wisely. Before he went to jail I was having numerous conversations about him making the right decision about going to college. We were constantly "bumping heads" because he wanted to do things his way. God really got his attention through the incarceration and now he seems to be making the right decision. He realizes the importance of going to NYACK COLLEGE especially since he got accepted there. My other son Teddy goes to Nyack College and just finished his first year there so I know it will be good for the both of them to go there together.

I'm writing this to inspire many people out there not to give up on people who have seemed to have giving up on themselves. Have faith to believe that somehow God will get through to them. Don't give up on people so easily because GOD doesn't give up on us. God has a way of getting our attention so that we can wake up and make the right decisions. SD's life was headed down hill and he was going in and out of jail, but miraculously GOD has shown himself and has graciously giving SD not only a 2nd chance, but multiple chances to make his life a success. Please pray for my son SD and ask GOD to watch over him and protect him from his life being destroyed in the streets.

As a father I'm happy to say my son is back home and it's my prayer that the man God has made him to be will shine forth for the whole world to see.

Stay tuned as SD goes from being a boy to a man. Also look out for the Reality Show CRAIG's HOUSE which gives you a closer look into the miracles God is doing in the lives of my children.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Josh Graduated from Jr. High

What up people. My son Josh graduated from Jr. High and he's on his way to George Washington Carver High School (located in Springfield High School). Here's a video of his graduation day captured for you to enjoy.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Spring 09 pics and freestyle rap song enjoy.

NY Aquarium

We had a great time at the aquarium my kids loved it. We really enjoyed ourselves. Video coming soon.

The fish in this pic are camouflaged how many do u see?

Monday, May 18, 2009

My son wants to drive my car

I think my son Teddy has his license and has enjoyed driving my car. Since he's been back from college I let him drive my car about 6 times and now he thinks that I should let him drive when he does things around the house or when he helps cook dinner. I let him take his girl out in the movies with it, visit his friends house, pick up his things from college, run a few errands etc. Now of course I do appreciate his help and it's been great to have him back home from college because I really do love the kid, but I've really been getting annoyed lately about him thinking that he should be allowed to drive my car just because he helps out around the house sometimes. If I were his age I know I would beg for my father to do the same thing, so I really do understand his strong desire to drive. I most say that Teddy is a very responsible young man that's what makes it so hard for me not to reward him in this way.

What would you do if you were in my situation? Share your comments with us. Thanks.

Craig & Teddy Freestyle

Friday, May 15, 2009

Shine making decisions about college

My 20 year old son Shine has the opportunity to attend Nyack College all expenses paid, but he's struggling with the choice because he want's to also have his own apartment and take care of his 2 year old son. I must say that Shine is a smart young man but like all of us we need help in making the right choices in life. Shine has been living with me since he was 17 years old and earned his GED last year, now it's time for college. After many hours of talking with him about this he says he has a PLAN A and a PLAN B. Plan A is go to Nyack earn a degree get a job and take care of his son. PLAN B is get an apartment in the next few months before he ages out of care find a job and try to get custody over his 2 year old son and take care of him and go to college while doing all of this. By the way his son currently lives with the baby's mother and grandmother and there's no guarantee that he will get custody over his son or get an apartment. Please comment on this and let SHINE know what you think is the best choice for him. He needs all the wise counsel he can get and so do I, because I'm trying to convince him to go with PLAN A. We have a meeting scheduled with NYACK College next week Thursday or Friday and I'm hoping by then Shine will make the right choice. Let's pray Shine makes the right choice his future depends on it.

Stay tuned for a video episode of CRAIG's HOUSE coming soon


Monday, May 4, 2009

April Pics

Here are some pics we took recently. Although I didn't have a good relationship with my dad one thing I learned from him is how to take pics. Pictures help us to reminisce on times we have together with family and friends.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Craig's House - Car Show episode

Here's a new reality show I'm working on called Craig's House and it's all about what goes on in my life with the kids I care for. I hope that it will not only entertain you but that it would also inspire you.

Please subscribe to my channel if you wish to see future episodes.

Also please comment and rate the videos to let me know how your enjoying them. This is one of my efforts to help spread the great work of parenting children in care. ENJOY!!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My son exploded after being caught

It all happen so fast I just tried to stay calm while addressing the situation. My 20 year old son was watching my younger sons (13, 14, and 14 years old) until I got home from work yesterday. They all know they are not allowed to have any company over when I'm not home so to my surprise not only did my 14 year old son RC have 4 of his friends in my house without permission. His 3 male friends and 13 yrs old female friend were in his bedroom with the door closed while my 3 other sons were in the living room watching TV. Upon entering my house I noticed that RC was very nervous as he paced up and down the house as though he was trying to figure out how he was going to keep me from finding out that he had 4 of his friend in his bedroom. His first mistake was that he started cutting off lights as to create a darkness so his friends could sneek out. This was a complete giveaway and I knew he was up to something. I acted like I wasn't aware of what he was doing and began to study his every move so that he could lead me to what he was up to. As soon as I turned my back and went up into the attic he immediately opened his room door so his friends could run out my house. I turned back around and caught all of them trying to sneak out and I told them not to be in my house when I'm not home. I asked RC to give me his sidekick cell phone and then began to curse me out telling me he's going to F#%$ me up and wanted to fight. Of course I wasn't going to fight him, but I guess because he was so embarassed because he got caught so he got angry and began to push me and become very violent. I told him he's not allowed to have friends and the house and that he needs to stop disrpecting me but he continued to curse me and threaten to beat me up while pushing me. I walked away from him and then I spoke to the 13 yr old girl about how she needs to respect herself more and not be in my house with all these boys locked up in the room with her by herself. I asked her and the boys to leave and they did.

Then I went to go tell her father next door that I caught his daughter in my sons bedroom. As I was ringing his door bell my son RC threatened to bust out my car windows and bang up my BMW. I thought he was bluffing and I just ignored his threat as I waited for my neighbor to answer the door. As I was standing there I began to hear a lot screaming and him banging on my car from the kicks and punches. I was shocked I couldn't believe he would take the disrespect further by trying to destroy my car. Above is a pic of my car before the damages. His friends and my son JD pulled him away from my car before he could do anymore damage. He left dents and scratches all over my car. Then he ran off making more threats about hurting me. My neighbor's 19 yr old daughter answered the door and told me her parents weren't home so I told her to have them contact me when they get home. RC ran off with his friends down the block and latter on that evening we found him at his friends house and went to go get him. I spoke to the police about filing a police report in hopes of using the proof to have the agency pay for the damages and the police said they will have to arrest him if they see the damage on my car because it was a criminal act. I told them I didn't want' him arrested and that he was only 14 yrs old. The officer said it doesn't matter he committed a crime. Well to make a long story short I managed to get the report out of them without him getting arrested so I have proof of what happen on official legal record. I must admit I struggled with this decision because I was obviously angry about what happen.

Before we went to pick him up he was making more threats about beating me up and banging up my car. As you can imagine I became very angry but I did my best to keep my cool. To keep myself calm I drank a few glasses of wine as I spoke to friends and family on the phone. I began to speak to my 20 yr old son SD because he was suppose to make sure that there weren't any problems in the house until I got home. He claims he didn't know that RC was not allowed to have company in his room and that he didn't know a girl was in his room. Then he became somewhat disrespectful with me about it saying why am I coming down on him because it's not his fault. Rather than escalating another situation by arguing with SD I held off on that and went back to dealing with the other problem at hand. Eventually the parents of the 13 yr old girl came home and I explained to them what happened. They apologized to me and said they were sorry I caught her in my house and that they will speak to her. I told them it's not their fault they don't need to apologize and then they went in the house to speak to her.

My son RC went to his friends house and we went to go get him after finding out. He reluctantly came home and when he got home I didn't speak with him because he still looked very disturbed I didn't want him to explode again. He got a bowl of cereal and just began to eat while sitting in the living room looking at me, then he went up into my son JD's room and began to play with the techdeck (minature skateboard) toy and ramp I just purchased. He went to bed and so did I now it's a new day, Thank God. The sun rose and I was so thankful that dreadful night passed. Hopefully today I will be able to have a talk with him about his outburst and disrespect towards me.

His social worker was notified and now they are working on finding a respite home for him for this coming week. Especially because it's spring break and he's out of school for a whole week while I have to work. Hopefully the respite will make him become more aware of what he has as a result of living in my home for over a year. I treated him like my very own son since he has moved in. Hopefully respite will help him to appreciate all the things he has as a result of living in my home. Last summer I took him to Disney World for vacation and had a wonderful time playing with him in tennis, racquet ball, swimming, getting on rides at Disney World etc. He has been treated like royalty in my home. He hasn't been treated like a foster child in my home he actually has been treated better than the average teen in America. He has his own room with TV and cable, a sidekick cell phone, numerous pairs of Jordan Nike sneakers, a MAC laptop computer, a house key, a room key, fashionable clothes, etc. When his older brother JF was home from Penn State University he tried to speak to him about being more respectful and unfortunately it didn't sink in. Him and his brother living in a former foster home where the foster parent would only allow them to use the bathroom 1x a day and they were only allowed to wash up in a puddle of water ankle high in the bath tub that only she prepared. Unfortunately he needs to learn how to appreciate the love and care he has been giving in my home and there is obviously some things from past that he still needs to overcome.

Please pray for us as we move forward. Thank You! and God BLESS! Have a Happy Easter Weekend.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My son Josh is an Artist

It's a amazing to see all the rich talents in my kids. Here's a pic that Josh illustrated while looking at himself in the mirror. By the way that's a pic in his hair if anyone was wondering. For some reason he likes to sport a pic in his head.

I must say he did a great job for just being 13 years old.

I'm currently looking for an artist teacher for him or an High School that will help him develop his talent. If anyone knows of any in NYC let me know. Thanks.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shine's Transformation from a boy to a young man

Shine entered my home a few years ago as a member of the BLOODs gang. Well after many heartaches, and struggles he is now a Christian on his way to college. It all started with the agency SCO calling to find out if they can place another child in my home. A child I had never met but who was already 18 years old. Well I said to myself I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this so I met him and he moved in. He has accomplished so much since being in my home. After getting kicked out of numerous GED programs he took on the challenge of studying on his own at home and he took the GED and passed it. He also earned a certificate to work as a security guard and he has been promoted a few times since he got the job. He got saved and was baptized. He also passed the entrance exam and was accepted into NYACK COLLEGE. WOW that's a long way from from being a gang member. It's amazing to see the power of God at work in Shine's life. A young man who his family and the world gave up on. He found a new family in Christ and it's made all the difference in the world. Praise God!

Pic of Chang, Jessee, Teddy, Joshua, Jairus and Shine

Stay tuned for the video coming soon of SHINE testifying about how God transformed his life.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Media describes black teenage boys as men?

What's your thoughts on this video?

Was it wrong for these two 17 and 18 year old teenage boys announced as "men" to do what they did? Of course it was wrong, but let's not forget that they are still children themselves not men which the media repeatedly announces them as. The media expects these boys to behave as a grown and responsible man.

Plus it doesn't help the already tarnished image of young black men. It appears that along with the NY POST newspaper there are still very ignorant people who live in America regardless if it's 2009 and our president is BLACK.

Is it fair for the media to do this? What are your thoughts? Please leave comments below.

This is a new blog I plan to update weekly.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Video of my son Teddy performing his song and in college

This song performed in this video is called "Christians Get Down" by Yung Fresh a.k.a. Teddy featuring Tanisha Renee Brown. It's a powerful song with a hot beat and great lyrics.

At the end of the video there's a clip of Teddy at Nyack College. He just recently passed of his classes during his 1st semester of college and now he's working on his 2nd semester. Although he's happy to be in college. It's like a sweet and sour experience because he misses his family at home while he lives on campus.

Forida Vacation

Here's some pics from our Florida Vacation to Disney World.

My son will be home tomorrow from the hospital

It's been 3 weeks since JD was hospitalized due to being excessively absent from school. Unfortunately I was totally unaware of the fact that he was being marked absent from school and it wasn't till it was too late to address the issue that he was hospitalized. Being that he's in foster care his social workers decided to hospitalize him so that he can be re-evaluated. The hospital changed his medication and say they have seen improvements in his behavior since then.

We are looking forward to JD returning home and hope that he will do better in school. Please prayer for him. Stay tuned to hear about his improvements in the future.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My son's in the hospital

I haven't written in a while and so many things have transpired since then that I don't have time to post it all. One of the major things that has recently occurred was that the foster care agency put my son in the mental hospital so they can re-evaluate him. Honestly I disagreed with there approach because I felt it was a bit extreme way of addressing a issue he has been dealing with in school. I have no real problems with him at home it's just the school that is unable to properly supervise him. Unfortunately they reported that he missed numerous days of school so that is why the agency put him there. We were unaware that he wasn't going to classes because everyday he would get on the bus and after school he when asked how was school he said it was fine. A month ago it was discovered that he was hanging out in the music room playing drums rather than going to class. Although JD says he has been going to class since then It's my belief that he may have found another hang out spot in the school and that may be why he has been marked absent.

Just last night I went to visit him in the hospital and spent time talking with JD and playing cards with him and his brother who I brought along. I also found out that's it's been an entire week already and according to him he has not met with a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist yet. He also reported that there form of school in the hospital is a teacher who reads from a book for 20 minutes and then they go to gym and lunch and then gym again. Really sounds like a wasted of time. I really don't understand why they haven't met with him yet and I hope he get's out soon. Please pray for JD and that he comes home soon. This is the 2nd time that he has been hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. The last time was just before he moved in with us and that was over a year ago and they had him in there with his brother for about 4 months. Thanks for your prayers. God Bless You!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Inspirational Freestyle Mixtape

I'm releasing a new project called INSPIRATIONAL FREESTYLES. It's a mixtape which contains all freestyles raps. Nothing on it is rehearsed or written. It's rawest form of Hip-Hop that you can ever find. I like how wikipedia defines it.

Freestyle rap is an improvisational form of rapping, performed with few or no previously composed lyrics, which is said to reflect a direct mapping of the mental state and performing situation of the artist. It is non-scripted, non-rehearsed, uncut, and the rawest form of hip-hop. Artists will often refer to places and objects in their immediate setting. Freestyle rapping forces an individual to think on the spot, describe their surroundings, and, to a certain degree, rap uncensored from what is inside. It is similar in this sense to improvisational music or acting and draws comparisons to improvisational jazz in particular.

Here's a video link
to all the videos I posted so far of some of the songs on the mixtape. One of my favorites so far is called "I SEE YOU"

Craig doing a concert with Teddy & Shine

Me and my two 20 year old boys Teddy & Shine were invited to perform a few songs at a concert sponsored by Pastor Jeff Nightingale of True Life Center.

It was a special occasion for me because I'm really proud of my boys and how they have grown into young men of God who are not ashamed to rap about their faith in Christ. The crowd was really amazed because it's not that often that you get to hear two young black men who grew in foster care share their faith in Christ and how they came out of gangs, broken families and the things of the world that hold so many of our young men down.

Teddy just finished his first semester at Nyack College and Shine is currently working as a security guard where he was just promoted and he plans to attend Nyack College in the summer. He's working on applying now so please pray he gets accepted into the HEOP program where they pay for about 90% of his tuition like they do for Teddy now.