Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Waiting for an answer

Well last couple of days have been a bit discouraging because I my son Shine just told me that the college he just got accepted into told him he may have to leave by Friday if he doesn't come up with 6 grand. Yeah that's right $6,000. I've been sending emails out to people I know but I haven't seen anything happen yet, so we are just waiting and praying to see what God will do. Please keep Shine in your prayers. Here's a letter for help written by Shine below.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: September 9, 2009 2:27:49 AM EDT
To: Keith Craig Allen
Subject: Re: shine college tuition


Today is Wednesday Sept. 9TH 2009, and I am 2 days away from my tuition payment deadline.As my last e-mail stated that I owe a balance of $2,767.50, it recently increased
to an estimated $6,000 due to the fact that my HESC-TAP(Tuition Assistance Program) did not clear yet as I so desperately hoped it would.I found this out at my meeting with my financial aid counselor yesterday as he was explaining to me that my balance has jumped due to my pending TAP.I have another meeting with my financial aid counselor today @ 2:00 pm to discuss the issue at hand.My foster Care agency ''SCO- family of services'',is trying to help by getting me into a program called the bulletin 17 which pays off my room and board for the school year.Unfortunately, due to the late timing, my deadline date,and my 21st birthday which happens to be at the last day of this month, it is not promising that I get into this program nor receive the money before my due date.So I am asking and praying that the Lord will provide a way.I am really interested and looking forward to attending my 1st yr of college at Nyack because I believe that it actual offers me 3 key elements.
First, let me start by saying that it has the proper environment to enhance my relationship with my Lord and savior.Nyack college is a well-known Christian college that not only focuses on students receiving degrees,but it also helps build the relationship between us and the living God.We as students get to experience a deeper walk with Christ because of the type of environment provided by Nyack College.I am anticipating a more matured relationship with Christ and I believe that Nyack can offer one of the many settings needed to achieve that.Second, i can also receive the proper education and begin to work on my future career due to the many fields of majors offered by the school.And finally, since it has the option of commuting or being on campus (I am on campus),students on campus get a more independent feel and are likely to mature into the adults that we are called to be.
Being here at Nyack College has been a great opportunity that i would love to experience .So i am praying and trusting that a way shall be provided for me if i just believe and have faith that its coming.

Once again, thanks for your time and prayers.

SHINE, Shykeen Delaney

From: Keith Craig Allen
To: Young Fresh
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 12:02:23 PM
Subject: Re: shine college tuition

Ok I sent out the message to some people from New Life who know Shine and a few others. So hopefully we will get some help. In the meantime pray together and get some of your fellow buddies in the dorm to pray with both as well.

On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:47 AM,

Shykeen Delaney a.k.a. Shine- Yes, I am finally all settled into the dorms at Nyack College, I have my classes ready and set for the semester. School officially starts Wednesday September 9Th,and I'm extremely Happy to be meeting my teachers and experiencing the assignments that rests in the future.Unfortunately, an obstacle has stumbled across my path.I am prepared in all areas of qualification for the school except being financially stable.tuition has been paid off from $ 27,000 ,leaving me with a $2.767.50 bill that i owe to the school before Friday. I was told that if i cant provide the money then i will be forced to leave the campus this upcoming Friday.The agency is trying to pay the balance but
since I turn 21 on September 30Th ,i will be viewed as an adult forcing me to age out of care.Please help me find a solution to this issue ,I would really love to start this year so any help will be highly appreciated.

thanks for your time.


I hope your doing fine.

You may or may not know but by a great miracle my son Shine a.k.a. Shykeen Delaney was excepted into Nyack College after years of growing up in foster care and battling with being in a gang he has now surrendered his life to Christ. He's really trying to make an effort to change his life and I'm really proud of him. Unfortunately he is facing a huge financial obstacle and that's why I'm writing to you in hopes that not only will you pray but that if you are able and willing with God's help to give a financial blessing. Shine explains his need below in the email and I pray that you will somehow be able to assist and also send it to friends you know who may be able to assist. Thank You!

If anyone is able to assist please contact us asap with any assistance you may be able to give. Please keep Shine in your prayers. Thank You!!!!!!

Anyone who wishes to speak to Shine can call Teddy's cell phone 347 744 0767 since they live in the same dorm building at Nyack College. You may also email him through Teddy's email at

Also anyone who wishes to receive updates on Shines progress as well as Teddy's may subscribe to my blog at
I currently have videos of Shine and Teddy there sharing their testimonies of how God is making a difference in their lives.

God Bless You!

Keith Craig Allen a.k.a. son of GOD
(718) 316-3175 - cell

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