Thursday, August 27, 2009

My sons Teddy & Shine in College

There were so many road blocks that tried to prevent my boys from going to college, but GOD opened the door for them and we were persistent and are now seeing a tremendous breakthrough. Just look at their smiles you can see that they are so proud to know that they are on their way to being great men. So many people in society gave up on them. Judged them because of the way they look, talked, dressed or acted as children. Thank GOD I'm able to see in them the men GOD has called them to be. They are intelligent princes destined for greatness and crowned as royalty. I'm so delighted to know that GOD has given me the honor and privilege to be the father they need, so they can be a success in life. I have some more little boys right behind them so I'm hoping and praying that they will go to college too. I tell my little ones all the time that they are going to follow in our footsteps and go to college also.

Look out for the CRAIG's HOUSE episode of Teddy & Shine going to college. coming soon...

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