Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New T-Shirt Coming Soon

20 Years of Ministry

USA - London - Philippines

Craig S.O.G - 20 Years of Ministry

As I celebrate my life I celebrate my ministry of 20 years plus. The highlights of my life are the highlights of my ministry. I thank GOD for all the lives and places I've been able to reach and I pray GOD will continue to open up more doors for his ministry to flow through my life in a powerful way.


President of the Christian Club InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at York College C.U.N.Y
London England Highland Church plant in Tooting Broadway London
New Life of NYC/Young Life - Lake Champion
Children's Village Youth Chapel
Jamaica YMCA/Teen Action NYC/Hillcrest High School - Beats N Blessings 1st CD release
My Band "Groove of Jubal" ministers at Kingdom Works Youth Workers Conference in PA
Woodfield Juvenile Detention Center
Rikers Island Correctional Facility at the C74 chapel, Infirmiry & High School on Rikers
Farmers Market Concert Series by Open Arms Outreach, Inc.
President of True Life Gospel Records, LLC - Globally Distributed the CD's Amazing Vol. 1 & RAIN
40 projects housing outreach with Life Zone Church in Jamaica, NY
Salvation Army Homeschool for Girls in Elmont, NY
Chicago IL outreach to the projects
Youth Director at New Life Fellowship in Elmhurst, NY
"The SPOT" Youth Outreaches in Elmhurst at NLF
President of BNB Records, LLC distributed Holy Hip-Hop CD's & DVD's
Cebu Philippines Missions Trip with a team from New Life Fellowship
Director of Beats N Blessings/BNB Music Academy at New Life Community Development, Inc.
Street Life Ministries Park Outreaches in NYC
God Loves Peckham with All Saints Church in London England

and the list goes on.........

On this blog I plan to post some ministry pics & maybe even videos from the 20 Years of Ministry. Get ready to be blessed. We are overcomers by the BLOOD of the LAMB and by the WORD of our Testimonies.

My Birthdays Coming Up

Wow I've been on this earth for many years and this month I will have another birthday. I have a whole lot to celebrate. God has been really good and merciful to me and I'm so thankful for all HE has done in my life. I want to also thank everyone who has shown me love at any point in my life. I have many ideas on how I can celebrate my birthday but I haven't nailed down anything yet. If anyone has any suggestions I be interested in hearing it. Right now I'm looking for a venue to celebrate at.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

NY Real Estate

I love New York! I don't know about you. I feel it's the best place on earth. So much diversity, exposure to so many different cultures in one place. Recently I became a New York Real Estate Agent and I have some great properties throughout the 5 boroughs and Long Island. Anyone interested in buying or renting needs to contact me so they can get the best deals in NYC.

Real Estate

I just joined the network Broker Network

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Visionz of LIfe

I have some hot pics at my page on FB. Go check them out and remember to click LIKE. Thanks

My dog having puppies

What up Fam!
Check out my dog Diamonds (American Pit Bull) having puppies.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Video blog

Updating everyone on what's coming up for BNB.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Song

Fire Flame Spitter by CraigSOG

Free Download Available for this song at

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Entering In...

This is the season to enter in to what GOD has called us to be. No time to waste. No Half stepping. Get your blessing and come into the full manifestation of what GOD has called you to be. I don't know about you but I think it's time for us to move into a fresh new anointing for this season we are in. It's a new day therefore we need a new infilling a new fresh out pouring so that we can fulfill the call GOD has for each of us. I pray the LORD will fill us to the overflow as His children so that we truly will be the SALT of the earth. Not the pepper but the SALT. If your the pepper that means people will sneeze when they come in contact with you. In other words they will be repelled by you and what you have to offer. We called as GOD's children to be SALT. What does it mean to be SALT? Well it means that when people come in contact with my ministry they will taste and see that the LORD is truly GOOD and nothing in this world can compare to HIM> Get your new anointing!. It's time to be the WORLD CHANGERS that GOD has called us to be LET's GO! See you at the TOP!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beatboxing Parrot Kenya

For those who didn't know there's a very talented bird flying around town. He enjoys entertaining people with his many talents such as beatboxing, singing, talking and dancing. Yes you will be amazed by this African Grey Parrot named Kenya. Look out for his album coming soon. If you feeling Kenya let him know by leaving a comment. LOL

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Top 10 pre gig list

Over the years I've done gigs in so many places and so many different situations. I've learned some things
along the way sometimes the hard way so here is my top 10 pre gig list. Here are some important things I try to make sure I have prepared in advance before a gig. By the way it's a random order not prioritized by numbers.

Even if your not an artist you may still appreciate this list

1. Mailing List
Have a system by which people can join your mailing list. Collect emails, cell phone # (for txt messaging future band news), Mailing List sheet, Mailing List Cards or even a laptop where people input their data. This is so important because it's important to stay in touch with the fans.

2. Credit Card Swiper
At my gigs some fans don't really carry much cash on them but most of them have a credit card on them. So having a credit card swiper provides a way for them not only to get one of my CD's but maybe 2 or 3 or even 4 CD's along with a BNB T-Shirt or two or event a BNB Bandana. And they walk away with a shopping bag full of BNB Goodies.

3. $30 in change
Yes believe or not you can loose a sale because people may only have a $20 bill and they want to buy a $10 CD but since you have no change you loose the sale. Oh well!

4. Tracks on CD & iPOD
Rather than burning a new CD playlist for each performance why not have your playlist on your iPOD ready for the sound man to press play. This works sometimes even from stage where you can operate the iPOD I've done it so many times.

5. Bring a SM58
It may sound crazy but yeah I've been to place to perform where their mic was so crapy that it interfered with my performance so many times I would plug in my own SM58 mic which is the music industries standard mic for live concerts. These mics can take a serious beaten and they continue to work faithfully.

6. Bring a Camera
One thing I love doing at my gigs is taking pics and even having it filmed on video. I feel that it's a great moment in history to capture and share with thousands of people for years to come. It's something that I love to document and let everyone who missed it see it on youtube or DVD.

7. T-Shirts
Yeah I know it's about the music but some people who already have your CD may not have your T-Shirt and if they have your T-Shirt well they just may want a new one or a different color or size or style. Sometimes I would sell just as many T-Shirts as I would sell CD's. People love the BNB T-Shirts because they can't get them no where else and they are HOT!

8. Announce Event Online
Make sure everyone knows where your gig is at

9. Pray
It may be one of the last things on my list but it's sure not the least one. It's actually the #1 thing to do.

10. Give Away a CD or T-Shirt
At most of my gigs I give away T-Shirts and CD's. I usually ask a question and whoever answers in the audience 1st wins.

Well that's my list although there are more things I just kept it to 10 for now I may give the next 10 things to do in the future.
See Ya!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Falafel in the village

If your looking for a good cheap healthy meal then I think a falafel is the way to go. I just got a falafel today for only $2.50 not only did it taste good but is really filled me up too. Oh yeah and they prepared it in like 1 minute flat so it's a great healthy fast food. For those who don't know what a falafel is just google it. It comes in a pita bread with lettuce and tomatoes and a nice creamy sauce. Besides pizza can anyone tell me about any other cheap meals that are healthy and quick. Let me know. Let's it healthy recession proof meals to go. LOL

Friday, March 25, 2011

In Miami

I took a trip to Miami for the Winter Music Conference. Although it was not a Hip-Hop event I still was able to make some good connections with the DJ's, Producers, Promoters & Fans. They showed that they really appreciate my music although it was an event for primarily House/Dance music. The fans cop my EXCLUSIVE pre-released CD of the REBIRTH and we had a great time vibing.

New Logo and CD Cover

Here's the new SOG logo that will be used on my new CD cover for the REBIRTH CD.
I took a step back and got the logo done first and then the CD cover because it's a logo I will use on multiple projects to come.
We live in an age where people don't read much but images and logos and something they can remember more easily.
I wasn't totally satisfied with the first Rebirth CD cover so I had is redesigned by the same graphic artist Joey Fresko.
As you can see I'm always striving to release a product that is refined and packaged with a strong image. In life it's important to take your time and do it right rather than rush to put something out.

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Not Ashamed" New Music Video

Hot New Music Video "Not Ashamed" filmed throughout NYC. Video director Swift. Everyone is feeling this video. It's filled with so much (Hot Lyrics, Hot Images, Hot Scenes and more...) Song available online at

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

BNB Clothing Line

At BNB we have one of the hottest T-Shirts you can find on the planet. Our T-Shirts look hot on everyone including boys, girls, men and women. We have a shirt for everyone. You can order the shirts online at this link

BNB Shop

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Music Video Shoot for "Not Ashamed"

On Thursday February 17th 2011 I had my first official music video shoot for my song "Not Ashamed". This video is long overdue so many people really love this song and that's what encouraged me to shoot a video for it. We shot the scenes all throughout NYC. 1st we started in Hollis Queens where many Hip-Hop Legends (Russel Simmons, Run DMC Jam Master Jay & LL Cool J) are from. Then Long Island City by five points the graffiti mecca capitol of the world. And we ended our shoot in a tunnel by the West Side Highway in Manhattan. The video was directed by Ruben "Swift" Vidal. Swift is a great guy to work with who has done great videos for so many artists over the years. Look out for the video release coming real soon. In the meantime here are some pics we took during the video shoot.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Music

I just uploaded a HOT NEW song "Fly Like An Eagle". It's a party type song where I'm really having fun on the track and giving people something great to listen to. Beat produced by my brother MONTANA Enjoy!!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Craig S.O.G. CD Cover the Rebirth

What's up People!!!

I'm currently writing songs to my new project entitle "the Rebirth" So far I'm very excited about
how it's coming along. I recently had a CD cover designed for it by my graphics friend Joey and I'm very pleased with it. The photo on the CD cover was taken by my photography friend Eric L. Cooper. It's great to see how people can collaborate on one project and bring all their creative
energies together to create a masterpiece. I really like on the cover how we were able to incorporate the BNB logo as well as the BNB character who I call Emmanuel who you can see on the graffiti wall. Let me know your thoughts on the CD cover and how you like it. I don't currently have a release date for the CD, but I hope to release it sometime this year. God Bless!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

FREE Downloads

I'm offering 2 FREE downloads of my music to everyone who joins my mailing list. Just click on the download button to join my mailing list and get your FREE MUSIC.

God Bless!
BlankMyspace music player

Monday, January 17, 2011

Passion of Christ song by Craig

Here's the Passion of Christ song from the compilation CD "the Takeover" from BNB Records, LLC. The music was produced by Montana, lyrics by K. C. Allen a.k.a Craig S.O.G. ENJOY!!!!!!

Song "Fly Like An Eagle"

Here's a new song I just wrote to encourage everyone to "FLY LIKE AN EAGLE". The track was produced by my brother Montana. ENJOY. Feedback is appreciated. GOD BLESS!