Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Beyonce: Airbnb Rental During Super Bowl Weekend

Wow Beyonce stayed at an 10k per night Air BNB for the Super Bowl
It's an 50 Million Dollar Estate Check out this video

Beyonce stayed  during the Super Bowl halftime show, but she was nothing but zen before and after ... because the house she rented is the picture of tranquility.
The estate is located in Los Altos Hills ... about 30 minutes from Levi's Stadium. The $50 million home sits on 12-acres ... self-sustaining with 5 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms.
The neighbors got wise to the famous renter after a police motorcade with blacked-out SUV windows were traversing the area. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Enabling the Dreams of Others - Chapter from Book on Beats N Blessings

Here's a sample of a new book that I'm writing for BNB

Enabling the Dreams of Others
In BNB my dream became to enable the dreams of others. Many times people couldn't understand why I invested so much of my time and talent into developing the talents and dreams of young people in BNB. I would call it the ultimate unselfishness ministry of music. This is one of the things that attracted so many young people to my ministry. They saw an opportunity to receive from the wealth of resources and development that I help provide them with. So many youth dream of using their gift of rap or singing, but they don't have a place where they can develop or showcase this talent of theirs. I decided that BNB would be a place where youth can come off the streets and find a positive outlet to develop and express their musical talents. I started invited all the youth off the streets with flyers and by word of mouth and youth began to flock to BNB. Most of the young people would start
attending BNB by taking a digital music production classes. In these classes I would teach them how to use studio equipement to produce beats. After the beats were made many of them would then record lyrics. I feel that what I do with BNB is the total opposite of what the average rapper would do with his time. I'm not boasting in myself or the unique gifting that God has placed on my life. I'm boasting in my God who put this on my heart. If it weren't for him giving me a desire to see souls saved I woudn't   have taking on this mission. I would say that I died to myself and my own personal agenda so that I could take on the ministry of grooming others in their talents and abilities. It reminds me of the word where it says that except a seed go into the ground and die it is good for nothing. But if it dies it will bear much fruit. This is exactly what happen with me as a result I was able to bear much fruit. I'm thankful that my fruit has also remained. I've seen many of the young peope in BNB go on to do very powerful things with their talents to the degree that they have been able to bear fruit as well. I basically planted seeds that produced trees which bore fruit that had seeds that furthered the God's work even beyond me. It's amazing how God's word fulfilled itself in my life to this degree and I'm so thankful for it. Another reason I poured so much of myself into the lives of young people is because youth begat youth. Meaning each seed bears seeds of it's kind. If we are to reach the young people of this world it's essential that young peope be involved in the process of converting other young people unto him. I know even for me when I was 17 years old I was brought to church by my cousin Derrick who was also 17 years old. If it weren't for God using him to invite me to the youth service at church I probably wouldn't be saved today. The powerful thing about my whole conversion is that there were other teens that help give me a vision for seeing myself on fire for God like they were. It was a very special season in my life and the minstry that occured amongst the young people he surrounded me with. These youth were so fired up that they helped to spark the fire in me. At that moment in time I saw for the first time that following God was not just something for old people, but it was for people my age also. I saw many youth inspired to serve God when the youth in BNB would use there talents through rapping in singing. As the word says "may they see our good works and glorify our father which is in heaven." I believe God has used many elements of my own conversion to give me a vision for helping to convert others to him. I also remember accepting Christ at a play called "Jacob's Ladder". God used the actors in this play to give me a clear picture of what Christ had did for me on the cross when he died in my place. I was so moved by the Holy Spirit that my stomach was literally heated up and I knew it was God who was calling me to give my life to him. It's intresinting how I been used in the arts to win souls as well. My passion for using the arts to win souls clearly comes from my own experience. I know first hand how powerful God moves through the arts to reach many souls around the world. Using the arts and teaching others to do the same brings such a joy to my heart and it's from this place that I have found strength and tenacity to move beyond all obstacles and set backs. One thing I love about God is how he can turn any set back into a major come back. During the times when I found myself between a rock and a hard place my passion for using my talent for him woud be the catalyst keeping me in the race. It would cause me to keep knocking, seeking and asking, knowing that I will eventually see a breakthrough.

I wouud encourage anyone who is looking to enter ministry to do what brings them joy. Work from your passions and when difficult times come you won't give up. Many times people go into a ministry that they are not
passionate about and when the adversary comes they give up because they were not passionate about it in the first place. Even in businesses people are advised to work at what they have a passion for so that when tough times come they won't give up and utimately fail in the business. Life can through us many curve balls and things will happen that can cause us to loose focus. But if we stick with what we love we will always find our way back to living out our purpose in life. There are so many things that can distract us from living out our true purpose. Over the years I've had many different business propositions come my way. Things that took up too much of my time and brought lots of frustration into my life. I would start out excited about the new found venture only to quit months later after my desire for that thing dwindled and lost it's attraction for me. This can be a very tricky and confussion place for many of us, especially when we are gifted with many abilities. Sometimes I wish that I didn't have so many talents becuase I get so scattered at times trying to do too much on my own. This is an5 other place we can loose focus. The best thing to do is to follow the 80/20 rule. In our lives it's 20% of what we do that brings about 80% of our prosperity. It's for this reason that we need to delegate the other 80% of what needs to be done to others who are masters at it. For example I learned to produced beats using many different tools from hardware to software, but It woud take me hours or even days to do what some of my producer friends could do in a matter of minutes so that's when I had to delegate that area of my ministry to others who are masters at it. This way my time is now more freed up to do what I'm a master at. Overtime I've come to see how God has given me the annointing for activating others into ministry. I've seen it happen in so many ways and it's as though I didn't even realize how God was using me. I have a way of helping people to see what they are great at and launching them into using their talent in that manner. Basically this is what BNB has become a place where young people have been able to discover what they are great at and work on mastering and using that gift to impact the lives for others. Some would find that they're great at making beats, others would find they are great at rapping, singing or dancing. I guess you can call me a Holy Ghost Activator. (Lol). I love to look into the lives of individuals and pull out of them hidden treasures that have been buried or
under nurished.  I guess this is why I have found so many people come around me showing me the same ministry. Even the writing of this book was inspired by prophets and prophetess who God used to help activate me into releasing this wonderful gift that was buried deep inside of my heart. Sometimes I was misunderstood for why I do what I do and I had to learn how to ignore those who seek to distract rather than to understand how God is using me. The enemy at times uses others to persecute us because he's trying to get us off track from what God called us to do. He want's us to doubt the work that God is doing through us. Like Peter who walked on water when he kept his eyes on Jesus we need to do the same or else we will sink in the water as he did when he looked at the storm instead of keeping his eyes on Jesus. When I look at all the great things that God has done through BNB it amazes me to see how he allowed me to walk on water as well. I've also seen how when I took my eyes off Jesus I would began to sink in the troubled waters of life. But thanks be to God that when we sink we can always call on Jesus will reach down and pulll us out of our dispair.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Yoke is Easy my burden is LIGHT

When life throws you a curve ball do you swing and try to hit a home run or do you let it go by and hope the umpire calls it a ball instead of a strike. Sometimes it's good to let  the pitcher throws 4 balls and makes it easy for you to just walk to first base.
In life sometimes we find ourselves in situations that can be very stressful and traumatic. We find ourselves having difficulty holding on to our peace and joy, because we are constantly feeling the need to please people and live up to their desires and wishes for our life. Sometimes we find ourselves living to please others and we forget about ourselves.  God sees right through all of this he want’s us to be at rest. He says that my yoke is easy and my burden is light. The word says that he never gives us more than we can bear, but with the temptation he always gives a way of escape. 

God’s plan for our lives is that we will prosper and be in good health. But sometimes like Jonah we go off into places and things that GOD never called us to be involved with. And then at times it feels like we are being thrown overboard because we don’t fit in that place or circumstance that we got ourselves into. But God is gracious and merciful he doesn’t leave us in a place that’s not for us he moves us into what he has for us. He encourages us to use our talents and gifts. The word says our gifts will make room for us.  We are to work with the talents and gifts that He has given to us. There is a particular anointing that GOD wants us to flow in where is doesn’t require us to strive or work so hard at. It’s an anointing that cause us to move with ease and flow naturally with our gift. Anytime we find ourselves constantly striving or dealing with so much frustration and heartache then that thing is not for us. We are not called to be in a place of confussion or strife we are called to a place of peace and joy. 

A place where the fruits of the Spirit are abundant.  Move into that place that GOD has for you. It’s a place where he said if you abide in me and I in you then you will bear much fruit. He says you are the vine and I am the branches. Stay connected to the True Vine!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Where this plane will take me? Only God knows.

Sometimes in life you never know what twists and turns may come your way. We must do our best to allow GOD to be our piolot and we just need to enjoy the ride. Yeah that's how I feel right now. Sometimes we like to be in control of everything that's going on in our life, but it doesn't always work like that. People have been asking me so many questions after seeing previews of me on the VH-1 TV show I'm Married to a... I can't say I have all the answers for you, but on this blog I will respond to what you have seen on the show and maybe this can be a place where we can dialogue about it. One thing I want everyone to know is that I'm trusting God to continue His great work in me. Regardless of what you see or hear about me, remember that He isn't done with me yet.

So many times we as Christians act like we are to live in this Christian bubble where we can't talk about real life issues. Sometimes we live in this religious world where we speak a lot of Christianeese and we don't speak about how we are really feeling. When in reality people are dealing with so many struggles that we don't address enough in the church community. So what happens is that people are sometimes left to deal with their struggle all alone because they feel they haven't found a safe place where they can work through their personal struggles.

I thank God that he has surrounded me with some safe people in my life who I'm able to pray with and talk with. And that they don't come at me in a condemning or critical manner. They are in touch with their own weaknesses and struggles so they are able to speak to me in love and encourage me. At this point I haven't even seen the final edit of the show, I've only seen previews of it. It's scheduled to air tonight. It's a weird feeling knowing that I will be on a show that will be aired around the world. I have mixed feelings about it due to the nature of the topic on the show. Ultimately I know God is able to help me represent Him on this  journey.

Well it's count down time and my life will be changed in a major way. I'm reminded of the word that Prophet Jamel gave me over the phone the other day. Mind you he didn't even know I was filmed by VH-1. The Prophetic word was ... "God said He's about to put you on speed dial, It's like your name will be blown in the wind and all will know you in a flash. Your on E now but God's about to take you to the gas station and fill you up." I will share more of the word as time goes on but basically the point is that my life will change quickly and the person that I once was will evolve into the greatness of who God has called me to be.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Giving out

I continue to give out of myself my time, my resources, my knowledge, my life. It's just how God made me and it's a beautiful thing. I must admit that it hurts at times especially when I give to others who spitefully use me and slander my name falsely. I know we wrestle not against flesh and blood and God has given us authority over these unseen forces that come against His children. God continues to use me inspite of all the things the enemy has tried to do to tear me down. Children are still blessed through my life and ministry and they are able to benefit from the fruit that exudes from my life. I know that it's always more blessed to give than to receive and that even though it feels like I'm not receiving much back in return for my gifts on earth it's ok. I know I'm storing up riches in heaven where no theif can rob, no rust can destroy. It's really not all about that for me though. I'm human like everyone else and sometimes people take advantage and think that they can do whatever they want and that God will turn a blind eye to their abusive ways. The word says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm. I'm truly His annointed and although the kingdom of God suffers violence the violent take it by force. So when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against Him and says no further. He protects His children and bestows a blessing on them. I'm so thankful and grateful for what he has done and will continue to move as he guides me into bringing His Kingdom here on earth. A wounded war

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lights Cameras Action

They want it televised. LOL. It's like its happening so fast. How do I keep up? I have all these things to do but I'm only one man. I can only be in one place at a time physically yet more than one place digitally. TV cameras, lights, microphones, decorations, film crews and business contracts. Yeah it's really happening. It feels so unreal but it's really going down. The world will be amazed when it's aired on TV. Love Drama Faith Music Hope Pain Life. Yeah, I can't put it all in one post or sentence it's too much to describe at one time so I'm just going to release bite size pieces.

Wow how did I get here.

In spite of my faults and short comings He's faithful. He loves me and you just the way we are but loves us so much that He doesn't want to leave us the way we are. God has a great future for us. I'm so thankful that He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it. The future is so close yet feels so far away at times. It's just around the corner although it feels its around the world. I choose to trust GOD and not worry. Worry only wears me down and distracts me from being productive. Yeah I'm giving you a glimpse into my mind which is the battle ground. It's the place where we can choose to live in victory or settle for defeat. Well I've never been one to settle so in the heat of the battle I continue to fight the good fight. I've been through the fire and I'm going through the flood and I know God is taking me into a place of abundance although I don't fully see how. I'm truly in a season of my life where I must live by faith not by sight. All that I see around me is so unreal and all that GOD has in store for me is so magnificent.