Saturday, June 26, 2010

Text Messaging Gone Wild

Some people have just gone over the deep end when it comes to text messaging. Why is it that people try to have deep conversations with text messaging that is such an ignorant thing to do. Oh yeah maybe it's because they feel they can hide behind the screen and don't have the guts to say things face to face. Well that's a wimpy way to go. Please show the person on the other end some type of respect and have a face to face conversation with them. Even a phone conversation is limited on what is expressed through communication because you can't see the other person's body language. A phone conversation is way better then texting though because at least you get to hear the person's tone of voice which is a huge part of communication that is missing when you just text. So please next time you have something difficult to talk about wait till you see the person or if you can't see them at least have the decency to speak to them on the phone because it's totally unfair to "drop the bomb" on someone through texting. I wish there was a phone feature where you can block the people who are texting off the deep end. Meaning they send you like 100 text messages a day and expect you to respond to each one or else. That is completely unrealistic and such a selfish way of thinking to expect a person to drop everything they are doing to cater to your foolishness over a text message. I hope this article helps some of you out there to either relate to what I'm saying or to stop the "text messaging gone wild" THANK YOU!

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