Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Yoke is Easy my burden is LIGHT

When life throws you a curve ball do you swing and try to hit a home run or do you let it go by and hope the umpire calls it a ball instead of a strike. Sometimes it's good to let  the pitcher throws 4 balls and makes it easy for you to just walk to first base.
In life sometimes we find ourselves in situations that can be very stressful and traumatic. We find ourselves having difficulty holding on to our peace and joy, because we are constantly feeling the need to please people and live up to their desires and wishes for our life. Sometimes we find ourselves living to please others and we forget about ourselves.  God sees right through all of this he want’s us to be at rest. He says that my yoke is easy and my burden is light. The word says that he never gives us more than we can bear, but with the temptation he always gives a way of escape. 

God’s plan for our lives is that we will prosper and be in good health. But sometimes like Jonah we go off into places and things that GOD never called us to be involved with. And then at times it feels like we are being thrown overboard because we don’t fit in that place or circumstance that we got ourselves into. But God is gracious and merciful he doesn’t leave us in a place that’s not for us he moves us into what he has for us. He encourages us to use our talents and gifts. The word says our gifts will make room for us.  We are to work with the talents and gifts that He has given to us. There is a particular anointing that GOD wants us to flow in where is doesn’t require us to strive or work so hard at. It’s an anointing that cause us to move with ease and flow naturally with our gift. Anytime we find ourselves constantly striving or dealing with so much frustration and heartache then that thing is not for us. We are not called to be in a place of confussion or strife we are called to a place of peace and joy. 

A place where the fruits of the Spirit are abundant.  Move into that place that GOD has for you. It’s a place where he said if you abide in me and I in you then you will bear much fruit. He says you are the vine and I am the branches. Stay connected to the True Vine!

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