Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Craig S.O.G - 20 Years of Ministry

As I celebrate my life I celebrate my ministry of 20 years plus. The highlights of my life are the highlights of my ministry. I thank GOD for all the lives and places I've been able to reach and I pray GOD will continue to open up more doors for his ministry to flow through my life in a powerful way.


President of the Christian Club InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at York College C.U.N.Y
London England Highland Church plant in Tooting Broadway London
New Life of NYC/Young Life - Lake Champion
Children's Village Youth Chapel
Jamaica YMCA/Teen Action NYC/Hillcrest High School - Beats N Blessings 1st CD release
My Band "Groove of Jubal" ministers at Kingdom Works Youth Workers Conference in PA
Woodfield Juvenile Detention Center
Rikers Island Correctional Facility at the C74 chapel, Infirmiry & High School on Rikers
Farmers Market Concert Series by Open Arms Outreach, Inc.
President of True Life Gospel Records, LLC - Globally Distributed the CD's Amazing Vol. 1 & RAIN
40 projects housing outreach with Life Zone Church in Jamaica, NY
Salvation Army Homeschool for Girls in Elmont, NY
Chicago IL outreach to the projects
Youth Director at New Life Fellowship in Elmhurst, NY
"The SPOT" Youth Outreaches in Elmhurst at NLF
President of BNB Records, LLC distributed Holy Hip-Hop CD's & DVD's
Cebu Philippines Missions Trip with a team from New Life Fellowship
Director of Beats N Blessings/BNB Music Academy at New Life Community Development, Inc.
Street Life Ministries Park Outreaches in NYC
God Loves Peckham with All Saints Church in London England

and the list goes on.........

On this blog I plan to post some ministry pics & maybe even videos from the 20 Years of Ministry. Get ready to be blessed. We are overcomers by the BLOOD of the LAMB and by the WORD of our Testimonies.

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