Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Where this plane will take me? Only God knows.

Sometimes in life you never know what twists and turns may come your way. We must do our best to allow GOD to be our piolot and we just need to enjoy the ride. Yeah that's how I feel right now. Sometimes we like to be in control of everything that's going on in our life, but it doesn't always work like that. People have been asking me so many questions after seeing previews of me on the VH-1 TV show I'm Married to a... I can't say I have all the answers for you, but on this blog I will respond to what you have seen on the show and maybe this can be a place where we can dialogue about it. One thing I want everyone to know is that I'm trusting God to continue His great work in me. Regardless of what you see or hear about me, remember that He isn't done with me yet.

So many times we as Christians act like we are to live in this Christian bubble where we can't talk about real life issues. Sometimes we live in this religious world where we speak a lot of Christianeese and we don't speak about how we are really feeling. When in reality people are dealing with so many struggles that we don't address enough in the church community. So what happens is that people are sometimes left to deal with their struggle all alone because they feel they haven't found a safe place where they can work through their personal struggles.

I thank God that he has surrounded me with some safe people in my life who I'm able to pray with and talk with. And that they don't come at me in a condemning or critical manner. They are in touch with their own weaknesses and struggles so they are able to speak to me in love and encourage me. At this point I haven't even seen the final edit of the show, I've only seen previews of it. It's scheduled to air tonight. It's a weird feeling knowing that I will be on a show that will be aired around the world. I have mixed feelings about it due to the nature of the topic on the show. Ultimately I know God is able to help me represent Him on this  journey.

Well it's count down time and my life will be changed in a major way. I'm reminded of the word that Prophet Jamel gave me over the phone the other day. Mind you he didn't even know I was filmed by VH-1. The Prophetic word was ... "God said He's about to put you on speed dial, It's like your name will be blown in the wind and all will know you in a flash. Your on E now but God's about to take you to the gas station and fill you up." I will share more of the word as time goes on but basically the point is that my life will change quickly and the person that I once was will evolve into the greatness of who God has called me to be.