Monday, November 26, 2012

Getting Ready for the New

Yes I'm so excited about this NEW SEASON in my life. I'm so thankful for this New Year that GOD has giving to me. I'm excited about the NEW CD that I'm working on. It's coming out HOT.  Fresh New FIRE!!! God said sing a new song unto him and that's what I'm doing. I'm writing and recording New songs. Recently I performed one of my NEW songs "MY GOD" in church and the congregation went wild. I'm was so encouraged and blessed. Then I got a prophetic word for the 3rd time GOD's telling me to write a book. That's right people look out for my NEW BOOK it will blow your mind the things I will be uncovering. I didn't come up with a title yet, but I feel the CD and BOOK will be connected with topics I'm writing about. 

God never ceases to amaze me. He's full of so many wonders and miracles for us all. As we take our affections off the things (lust of flesh, lust of eyes & pride of life) of this world. We will see GOD do some mighty things for us. He said in the last days HIS spirit will fall upon all flesh. Will you be in the number? Make sure your name is written down in the LAMBS book of LIFE. 

Here's a pic of me in Far Rockaway before Hurricane Sandy hit the area hard destroying many homes leaving thousands homeless.  I go there twice a week to work with children in foster care. It's a very rewarding experience but could be difficult at times. Please keep me and residents of Far Rockaway in your prayers as I continue to minister to the children out there. 
Thank You!