Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It feels so good to be back in the studio recording my next project. It's been a very long hiatus for me. I've had to persevere through some difficult times, but GOD has been faithful and He never leaves us nor forsakes us no matter how stubborn we can be at times. I've been linking up with some great producers and they have been sending me tracks to write to. I'm so thankful and excited about the new songs GOD has given to me and I know they will be a tremendous blessing for my listeners. I haven't come up with a final name for the new project yet, but I would say the songs are very inspiring and motivating. Today I was thinking of calling it "PERSEVERANCE" but I have not made a final decision on that yet. I hope to have the project release early next year if not sooner so keep me in your prayers that God helps me to get it done soon. I've been recording with LOGIC and I'm using the Neuman U87 mic which is one of the best in the world for any vocalist to have the pleasure to record with. I'm looking for some musicians and producers to collaborate with so if you play acoustic guitar, bass, electric guitar, violin, piano or any other instrument you think will sound good with HIP HOP then contact me on my facebook (Keith Craig Allen) or go LIKE my page and send me a message. Also my phone number is 718 316 3175.  I will also be shooting some music videos soon and I'm looking for camera people, extras, video editors, and general help for getting HOT videos done. If that's you reach out to me as well. Also pay a visit to my site you can find most of the projects I've produced there and buy a copy. Also I will have links there soon for the purchase of BNB T-Shirts which have been a favorite for many over the years. I'm sure some of you would like to order a fresh new one. Hoodies will be available also for the new fall and winter season. Follow me on instagram at Craig_SOG. SHALOM!!!!